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Medical Astrology
For Health & Wellness
The planetary energies at the time of our birth can impact our vitality, health, and energy. Every zodiac sign and planet is associated with a different body part and process -- from the top of the head (Aries) to the tip of the toes (Pisces).
Though medical astrology reached its pinnacle during the Renassiance times, you'd be surprised at the many ways astrology hides in the modern medical system. The "Rx" on a prescription once indicated that the physician consulted the "radix" or birth chart of the patient. The "venous system" is tied to the planet Venus. And on so!
Modern medical astrologers are are not licensed to diagnose or treat disease. Instead, we educate clients about the potential health patterns in their charts, from a historical perspective of the study of Classical Western Medical Astrology. Information provided does not replace advice from trained medical professionals.
Medical Astrology
Please contact Cara directly for pricing and booking.